Insight, Internalize, and Integrate

The success of any training program can be measured by behavior change. Once you and your partner integrate these skills and concepts into your every day behavior, you'll enjoy calmer, and more satisfying lives.


Integrating concepts and skills involves commitment to change and practice. It is necessary to practice these skills before conflict arises. You can't wait until situations arise to practice these skills and concepts. Under pressure or stress we are much more likely to fall back into old habits or patterns that we can use without having to think or choose.

As you learn new concepts and skills, immediately begin to integrate them with situations you can consider from both memory and imagination.

Memory provides situations from you past experience to consider. Imagination involves future experiences for consideration. Imagine typical situations that are likely, and visualize yourself applying interactional skills in that scenario.


Find Your Anchors

While you are visualizing these scenarios, pay particular attention to noticing any sensations that seem automatic, repetitive, and that are significant enough that you would definitely notice them.

These sensations may be common to a variety of interactions and situations. These are known as "Anchors" because we tie our patterns of thinking and behavior to them, and develop new habits around them. 

The goal is to create new habits and automatic responses along with increasing you ability to act by choice and free will. Using the tool of integration will greatly increase the ease of making the behavioral changes that lead to improved interactions.

Wellness is the complete integration of body,
mind, and spirit
 - the realization that everything we do,
think, and feel, and
believe has an effect
on our well-being.

Unit 3
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