Positive Outcomes It is difficult to find positive outcomes if you are not capable of controling your anger. Once you have learned impluse control and our techniques for stress reduction you'll find positive benefits in all facsets of your lige.
Anger is energy that nature supplies the underpowered and powerless, not the powerful.
Better Parenting It's difficult to be a parent if you let the anger and stress of the day become a part of your home life. Learn to listen and enjoy your family time whether things at work are difficult or stressful.
Co-Worker Interactions Desk-rage is a common occurance that can significantly impact your business through loss of productivity, and in some cases workers lack of cooperation leads to losing clients.
Feel Better Living a more calm and productive life feels good. Carrying anger and baggage from one interaction to the next can be a heavy load. Learn to use grounding to help reduce stress and improve communication.