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Effective Humanistic Intervention

The inspiration for this book, has come from our commitment to creating a more calm and productive environment, both at work and at home.

Effective Humanistic Interventions allow us to behave with caring, support, and respect. These interactions yields results that are efficient, safe, and as positive as possible for all involved. Effective Humanistic Intervention skills have been used, published, and proven effective for decades. Understand that being caring, supportive, and respectful does not mean being mushy, soft, or weak. The idea is to be assertive without being aggressive or passive. To be strong without being violent. To be non-judgmental without being indecisive, or unable solve problems. A healthy relationship is defined in this program as two or more independent individuals choosing to spend time together (neither one has to) and interacting with mutual respect because each is assertive and each is considerate. These two qualities work together and usually balance with each other. If I do not assert myself, the people I interact with will tend to be less considerate.

Books $25.00                            eBook $5.00

Place your order with cash, check or money order to:
Zak Schwartz, PhD
1800 High Street, Unit C1
Eugene, OR 97401


Changing Anger

The inspiration for this book, and for our work in general, has come from our commitment to becoming a part of ending family abuse.

Domestic Violence, intimate partner abuse, family abuse, child abuse— by whatever name we call it, it is the source of a great tragedy in any society. Scientific studies and law enforcement records show that this problem has not diminished. Why do we hurt those who we have committed to love and protect? Those who come for help to our program consistently tell us that they want to live peacefully in their homes, they want to be loving and respectful with their partners and with their children. The results of a survey we have been doing with our clients indicates that most of them know what constitutes a healthy relationship. Regarding equality, working as a team, giving one another emotional support and treating one another with respect, they say, “I believe in all that, I just don’t do it.” What goes wrong? What can we do to end the pain caused by abusive behavior? The inspiration for this book, and for our work in general, has come from our commitment to becoming a part of ending family abuse. We believe that all things are connected and, therefore, that love and harmony should be the forces that dominate interactions. And we believe that the goal of ending abuse in families is achievable. To work toward this goal, we believe that we need to learn what abuse is, where it comes from, and what we can do to eliminate it from our relating with family, friends and coworkers.

Book $25.00 US        eBook $5.00 US

Place your order with cash, check or money order to:
Zak Schwartz, PhD
1800 High Street, Unit C1
Eugene, OR 97401

Archangel Training Manual

Metaphoric Look at Transpersonal Psychology

I was a child of the sixties, graduating from high school in 1969. That alternative culture of which I was lucky enough to be a part was as special as they come. We experimented in free love and communal living and probably underestimated the complexities of those challenges, but I developed a set of great lifelong friends from those experiences and learned a lot about how people communicate and negotiate with each other. We experimented with psychedelic experiences, with and without drugs, and some were hurt, and some died; but many learned a tremendous amount in a short time and healed from a lot of pain and trauma. We helped to stop a horrible war but hoped to end all need for war, which, perhaps, was too much to shoot for. Peace on Earth will have to wait for human nature to evolve to a place where we all understand that our value and connection to each other would naturally prohibit such a despicable activity as war. Too much happened to judge it all as good or bad. One of the most important things I have learned in the years since that time is to judge less and act in love more. We really thought we could change the world in a major way, from alienation to connection, from hate to love, from war to peace. Granted, we may have grossly underestimated the problems, but many are still working on the solutions and we have shared truly fine times in this attempt. What I realize now that I did not see then was that this world is designed for adversity and challenge. It already is the perfect training ground for cultivating strengths, virtues, wisdom, and to experience the myriad of sensations that this world has to offer. Life on Earth provides exactly what we need to grow to our fullest potential. The values that I embraced and the truths that I discovered during those times have guided me since, and apply today as much as ever.

Book $25.00 US        eBook $5.00 US

Place your order with cash, check or money order to:
Zak Schwartz, PhD
1800 High Street, Unit C1
Eugene, OR 97401